The impact on our wellbeing from displaying sentimental objects at home
The impact on our wellbeing from displaying sentimental objects at home
“The Studio” project by Sarah Yarrow Interiors.
Why incorporate sentimental items into your home?
I’m a big believer in the power of surrounding ourselves with beautiful things - whatever the meaning of “beautiful” is to you, because it’s different for everyone. Displaying sentimental objects in our homes make us FEEL good, they trigger happy memories and momentarily transport us back to a moment in time. That kind of reaction releases endorphins, the happy chemical in our brains. By looking at our special objects, we literally receive a little happiness hit! How cool is that?! Having a home which makes us feel good has such a positive impact on how we conduct other parts of our lives too. Our homes provide the foundation and stability for the rest of our lives.
Impact on our wellbeing?
When you’re surrounded by things which are familiar, they provide comfort and comfort leads to a relaxed state of mind. The more time we operate our lives from a place of relaxation, the more happiness and good energy we’ll generate inside ourselves. When we’re able to look after our own state of mind and take control of creating our own joy from within, that’s when those good vibes are put out into the world for others to feel. Good energy creates more good energy and I feel like as a human race, that’s our ultimate goal - to collectively raise each other up.
What items to display?
Whatever makes you feel good! There is no right or wrong here, it’s whatever objects make your heart sing. That could be a comfy vintage chair which has been passed down through generations where you sit each day to enjoy your morning coffee. Special objects your children have made or outgrown and no longer use anymore. Old photographs framed and displayed somewhere you can admire each time you walk past. Or, items you’ve collected from your travels which remind you of a certain place and moment in time. I think it’s important to note, objects don’t necessarily need to be old, weathered and vintage to hold sentimental value either. Age is really irrelevant, it’s so much more about the FEELING the item ignites inside you when you see, feel or touch it. That feeling will be different for every person, which is why it’s so important to only display things in your home which have meaning to you!
How have sentimental objects changed the way we design?
I think sentimental objects have greatly enhanced and personalised the way we design our homes. Incorporating pieces with so much meaning into your home shares a little glimpse into those who live there, it’s a really special thing to be able to create a space entirely reflective of you. Mixing your older or more cherished pieces amongst new purchases creates the most inviting and personalised spaces, it avoids your home feeling like it's a show home or that you’ve stepped inside someone else’s house. Home needs to feel like you, it’s your sanctuary after all.
My own sentimental space:
Well, my own home is a treasure trove of sentimental pieces! There’s vintage furniture, artwork and accessories my husband and I have inherited from our grandparents but then there’s also numerous newer treasures I’ve collected from the past decade of travels. Travelling is one of my greatest inspirations and desires in life so the items I’ve collected from those precious times hold a special place in my home. Probably the most sentimental pieces I have on display though would be photographs in my home office - these are of my late grandmother, me as my younger self with our beloved Great Dane and of my husband and I on our wedding day. These are displayed haphazardly in mismatched frames above my desk. I love glancing up at them, when life is going well and especially when things seem challenging, knowing that I’m not alone. A smile immediately lights up my face and I’m filled with warmth within! That’s the power of displaying sentimental objects, the impact on my wellbeing in those moments is profound.