Women making a difference
Women making a difference
A fun and warm-hearted story for children of all ages. Follow the journey to discover a whole new way to think about food. Proceeds from the sale of the book support OzHarvest, Australia’s leading food rescue organisation.
“If you’re not living your best life, you need to reconsider why. We are here for such a short time, make it count” - Ronni Kahn.
Last Friday I had the unique opportunity to attend the ‘Women making a difference’ leadership forum co-hosted by two very important foundations, WCEI (Women Chiefs of Enterprise International) and TIAW (The International Alliance for Women). Reserved for women of very established businesses, I was invited as a young entrepreneur guest to learn and immerse myself amongst successful peers. Ronni Kahn AO, founder of Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, OzHarvest, was the first speaker of the day and she had me energised, full of humility and raw emotion all at once.
If you’ve ever seen Ronni speak, you’d attest to her infectious passion and boundless energy. Her message to the room full of very successful, career driven women was simple, “Every single one of us has a teaspoon”. What she meant by that - everyday, we each have the opportunity to make a difference in another person’s life, fill up your bucket, your jug, your cup or even just your teaspoon if that’s all you can give….and pour that teaspoon of kindness on someone else. You never know who needs you today.
Ronni also spoke of making sustainable food choices, and the importance of teaching our younger generations of the long term environmental effects food waste has on Mother Earth. Through a new book, beautifully written by Jessica Chapnik Kahn and illustrated by Matthew Martin, Lenny and the Ants, children of all ages are taught where food goes when it’s thrown out. In the age we’re living in where people are desperately trying to find that reconnection with nature, I felt as though this book was a wonderful example to remind us all that small acts of change from us all is what it takes to help sustain our planet.
Buy your copy of Lenny and the Ants here:
A big thank you to WCEI & TIAW for hosting me and the opportunity to meet with such incredibly talented women in business.